How does education make life better? An argument
No doubt! The educational system is always focused on the content. Never teaches skills beyond schools, but it does have an impact on our lives.
But how? How does education make life better?
Education has become a road to success. Success not only in terms of becoming rich, having luxury and comfort, but also encourages healthy lifestyle.
We are yet to realize the importance of education. Every time a kid or a teenage talks about his/her career or the future, the society questions them. The society doesn’t itself know why is education important to society?
Every uneducated person, although successful, is either less knowledgeable or doesn’t have the moral values needed to promote better lifestyle. You can just look at some political leaders.
No matter the success they own. Are they sensitive towards the country? Do they promote brotherhood?
I always remember this poem — No Man Is Foreign. Everyone lives on the same earth, has the same sun, drink the same water, then why do we discriminate? Be it shape, size, caste, color or religion.
This is the importance of education. It teaches you value, make you independent, tech-savvy, aware you about the wrong practices, help you know what you deserve, your rights and freedom and lot more than you can imagine about how does education improve society?
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